Review of the 2022-23 seed collection season

Jun 21, 2023 | News from the Seedbank

Despite a wet spring and a slow start, we celebrate another successful season this year. Our President reports on the 2022-23 seed collection season.
We’ve reached the end of another successful seed collection season. The wet weather in October changed seed ripening times, but we were pleased to collect seed from 49 species this year.

Goodenia and Olearia species were late this year, as well as Prostanthera lasianthos (Victorian Christmas bush). Despite flowering prolifically, most of the Acacias had very little seed this season – maybe the pollinators were too cold.

After initially thinking we may miss the Pomaderris species, we have ended up with plenty from a variety of sources, supporting the genetic diversity of our collection. Themeda triandra (Kangaroo grass) seeded well this year, and we found it in new places also. Hopefully this will help future proof our collection possibilities.

We always have varying success with eucalypts, because it can be difficult to collect due to the size of the trees – fallen branches are handy if we get them soon enough! This season we were rewarded with 522g from 8 different species.

Our volunteers spent many sessions cleaning and preparing the seed at the Baw Baw Shire Depot. As always, the Shire has been extremely helpful in hosting us and supporting our activities. (Click here to find out more about what’s involved in the seed collection cycle.)

In all, 10.9kg of seed from approximately 20 sites has now been delivered to South Gippsland Seed Bank from this 2022-23 season, where it will be available for sale.

I thank all our members for their contribution this year, and we were pleased to welcome a few new volunteers, too. Over the coming winter months, we’ll continue to meet over coffee and make plans for the next season. We’d love you to join us.


Lorraine Hobgen
President of the West Gippsland Seedbank Association Inc