Review of the 2023-24 seed collection season

May 24, 2024 | News from the Seedbank

It’s been another productive season for the Seedbank and our volunteers. Our President reports on the 2023-24 seed collection season.
A huge thankyou to our wonderful team of volunteers as we wrap up another season.

All collection and subsequent cleaning is now complete and many volunteer hours have produced a great result. We have packaged up over 7kg of seed from a whopping 56 species to take to South Gippsland Seed Bank. Many seeds are the size of a pin head.

When I was doing some data entry, I realised just how many hours, especially in December and January, were spent doing extra collections and giving up hours of personal time to pick, just at the right stage of ripeness. Mother Nature does not recognise Christmas or holiday timetables!

Seeds drying and waiting to be cleaned

Bundles of seeds drying

The Acacias played their part this year and we were able to collect many of the smaller wattles which are not always available. Pultenaea (Bush peas) were also abundant and we managed to time their ripening correctly (which can be a challenge).

The usual suspects were well represented such as various Goodenia, Cassinia, Olearia, Melaleuca, Eucalypts and grasses. The Daviesia and Indigofera harvested from members’ gardens helped with supply also. Some new species which we haven’t collected before were the Dillwynia glaberrima (Smooth Parrot Pea), Eucalyptus kitsoniana (Gippsland mallee bog gum) and Microseris lanceolata (Yam daisy).

Berries such as Coprosma quadrifida and Dianella admixta were more elusive than usual due to windy weather, but a good collection was achieved.

We will spend the winter months investigating possible new sites, streamlining our data recording, setting up information resources and enjoying a cuppa. Come and join us!


Lorraine Hobgen
President of the West Gippsland Seedbank Association Inc